Gentis 9 CSR 9 Equal Opportunities

Equal Opportunities

The principle of gender equality is one of the core pillars of modern societies. The achievement of this political principle has been present since the creation of democratic states. However, their recognition has not been total for the entire citizenry: women did not begin a process of equalizing formal rights until the beginning of the 20th century. The sexual division of labor is still in force and organizing social structures in such a way that real equality is still a challenge to achieve.

Gender inequality has been invisible for a long time. In the application of our corporate social responsibility, we understand that companies and entities must lead the development of these policies of equal opportunities between men and women; both in our internal organization and in the social impact that our work implies. In this sense, Plataforma Educativa includes in its policy, equal opportunities between all genders and the right to non-discrimination and freedom as principles that underpin the organization and performance of the entities that are members.

The entity works to incorporate the gender perspective in a transversal way as a key element in the operation of all its services, actions, and projects including the global view of the entity and the working people and the specific view of the projects and the people served. The aim of incorporating this global and specific perspective makes it easier to find strategies to promote social changes and avoid any type of discrimination, with special emphasis on gender, aligning ourselves with the sustainable development objectives (ODS) of the 2030 Agenda ( ODS5. Gender Equality and ODS10. Reduction of inequalities).

Entity dimension
Plataforma Educativa includes in its policy, equal opportunities between all genders and the right to non-discrimination and freedom as principles that underpin the organization and performance of the entities that are members.


At a strategic level, the entities that are part of Plataforma Educativa have implemented, since the end of 2017, the Equality Plan, giving shape to our commitment to the gender perspective within our entity, while strengthening the promotion of equality and non-violence with the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Protocol due to sex, sexual orientation, identity and/or gender expression. The Equality Plan resulted, among other actions, in the creation of the entity’s Equality Agent, as well as the creation of the Equality Commission.

  • Making gender equality explicit in the statutes, objectives and/or mission, activity reports and/or organizational structure.
  • Governance model, organization policy, good conduct.
  • Existence of Equality Plans and Sexual Harassment Protocol.
  • Existence of an Equality Commission and Equality Agent.
  • Visible organizational structure.
  • Transparency and equal pay.
  • Working to identify the wage gap.
  • Diagnosis and evaluation of the data.

Communication and Transversality:

At a strategic level, it has a transversal and communication vision of the gender perspective, taking into account the internal and external vision and working for continuous improvement through the decalogue of inclusive communication:

  • Presenting men and women in a diversity of functions, areas, and professions will equalize their degree of authority, social relevance, and power.
  • Avoiding stereotypical asymmetries.
  • Diversifying expert sources by consulting men and women according to their knowledge and experience.
  • Carrying out equal treatment in interviews and articles, identifying the person, naming their position and their profession.
  • Present men as responsible for caring and domestic tasks.
  • Avoid stereotypes and sexist roles.
  • Giving the same visibility and importance and treatment to feminized and masculinized topics and sectors.
  • Make visible the challenges in achieving human rights, women’s rights, and equality.
  • Reject the use of the body of men and women as ornaments or as a means to achieve success.
  • Using inclusive and non-sexist language and promoting alternatives to generic masculine and feminine usage. (Guide to non-sexist language and dissemination material).
  • Giving visibility and treating people as equals in all their diversity, gender identity, sexual orientation, functional diversity, social class, skin color, national origin, age, or beliefs.
  • Giving visibility to the contribution of women and to the prevention of violence.
Human resources dimension
At a strategic level, importance is given to the management of its work teams and what drives their actions. Through the Equality Commission and the work developed in the Equality Plan, monitoring and control of the segregation of data by men and women according to indicators of selection, recruitment, positions, patronage, and health and safety are carried out. In addition, to apply measures to analyze and improve from a gender perspective and encourage the training of teams.

  • Monitoring of disaggregated indicators.
  • Application of measures to improve and monitor the Equality Plan.
  • Training in a gender perspective as a training plan for entities.
  • Promotion of co-responsibility, work, and personal conciliation.
Social action dimension
As far as the organization’s project or service is concerned, its policy includes equal opportunities between all genders and the right to non-discrimination and freedom as principles that underpin the organization and action of the entities that are members.


At a strategic level, there is a team of professionals who design and create the projects taking into account the gender perspective, explaining the legal context and the existing theoretical framework, offering specific data for the specific and disaggregated group.

  • Creation of projects, services, and centers from a gender perspective.
  • Monitoring of disaggregated indicators.
  • Application of measures to improve the project.
  • Communication and awareness from a gender perspective.
  • Diagnosis and evaluation of the data.

People served:

At a strategic level, the vision, mission, and values are to improve people’s quality of life and therefore attention focused on the person is something important. In this way, training and awareness actions are developed from a gender perspective and in an inclusive manner, working so that the people served are open to gender identity, sexual orientation, functional diversity, social class, skin color, national origin, age, or beliefs.

  • Promotion of co-responsibility, work, and personal conciliation.
  • Communication, training, and awareness from a gender perspective.

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