Gentis 9 Who are we 9 Our DNA

Gentis Foundation

was created to be:

A referential and quality entity

for the development of professional and personal competencies and to improve the employability and insertion of people, especially those in socioeconomic vulnerability situations.

A meaningful entity

in educational and social services with a 360º view, full time education.

A benchmark in mediation and conflict management,

with special focus on education, individual support and increasing knowledge.

Services specialized in improving occupability and competence, emotional and social developement, through community action, education, mentoring and sociolabour guidance. Specially focused in disadvantaged groups.

At Gentis we work tirelessly towards improving people’s quality of life by impacting their careers through labour market insertion and education, their emotional and family situation, as well as accompanying them in mediation and mentoring processes.

Our activities allow us to work for socio-occupational insertion of different collectives, offering vocational training programs, labour market insertion programs, vocational guidance programs, and employability programs, empowering their community of reference.

The intervention is based on the fight for equal opportunities for all, thanks to participation in the job market and access to training.

Achieve the social insertion of some of the most disadvantaged groups using work and vocational training as drivers to improve self-worth and to obtain respect and social acceptance of cultural diversity
The Gentis Foundation wants to be:

  1.  A referential institution for the development of professional and personal competencies and to improve the employability and insertion of people, especially those in socioeconomic vulnerability situations.
  2. An organization known for its therapy services to people and families.
  3. A referential organization in mediation and conflict management, especially focused on community mediation.
  4.  A referential initiative in the social sector.
The values guiding our organization are:

  1. Leadership: To be a pioneer in quality job offers.
  2. Teamwork: We train people so that they join forces while working on our projects and/or services.
  3. Complementarity: We work to integrate each territory’s agent and develop proximity services adapted to the place’s needs and its people.
  4. Collaboration: Keeping in mind in all actions to collaborate with their environment’s needs.
  5. Transparency: We look for an action based on trust, acting with responsibility and total transparency towards society.
  6. Social responsibility and commitment: We want to make an ethical entity, professional and respectful of people and the environment.
  7. Justice: It’s the horizon and scale to measure our actions. The yearning for a full life for everyone is at the same time the value that frames the limit of our work. A social justice that cannot be understood without equality, freedom, and fraternity.
“Our organization is in good shape, we have lots of future projects, programs and challenges, we will keep on working hard to achieve equal opportunities for all ”
Marta Cid i Pañella

CEO, Gentis Foundation

Strategy Plan 2019-2022

The strategic plan shared by the organization seeks to observe and guarantee the rights and opportunities of the people, having of course in mind their interesst, needs and wishes.

Individualized attention through community action

To acces the resources needed to be a public service

Ability to adapt and advocate to ensure compliance and improvement of social policies and the defense of the professional space.

Put innovation and technology at the services of continuos improvement

Zero waste 9R: rethink, redesign, refurbish, repair,redistribute,reduce, reuse,recycle, recuperate

Evolve towards a self goveranance and participative model that that ensures the integration of all the agents that interact with the organization.

We are part of Plataforma Educativa

A social initiative organization that wants to improve the well-being and to protect the rights of the people at risk of exclusion
Several entitites from the third sector are part of Plataforma Educativa, so as to optimize the advantatges of innovation and working together.

 The entities that are part of Plataforma Educativa  share the same strategic linies:

  • Sustainable reconversion of community attention services.
  • Adoptar un enfocament eficient i eficaç de servei públic basat en el bé comú Adopt an efficent .
  • Use the 9r sequence: rethink, redesign, refurbish,repair, redistribute and recuperate.
  • Put innovation at the service of sustainable human developement, following proximity, equity andd sustainability criteria
  • To have the ability to adapt and be present in observing and imporving social policies

Entities Policy

Plataforma Educativa  has established a set of policie that go from managing people to social intervention that seek to guarantee the proper functioning of each of the memeber organizations.

In the document Policy of the Entities can be found a collection of all those policies that subscribe the entities and that from his approval applies to all the people that configure the board of trustees of each one of the organizations as well as to the management team of the same that at the same time are the people responsible for ensuring its application in the day to day of each of the services and programs that are carried out.

Participation and Improvement


This policy has a participative view, with an implied constant evaluation, evolution, and improvement that will enrich itself through the contributions done in interdisciplinary and inter-organizational spaces.

The updates are approved by the management team of each organization.

Quality system

The organization has implemented a quality management system , included in the corresponding Quality Manual available to all people in the organization.
This quality management system in the entity has achieved the UNE- EN-ISO 9001 Quality certificate with register number 0.04.04399/05, covering all areas, activities, and services since 2005.

This allows us to set our goals and our achievements, commitments, and responsibilities towards the attended users and their families, clientele, public administrations, society, and all the parts involved in a quality manner, always improving our quality system and entity services.


Evaluation Goals

  • Comply with the quality standards set by the ISO 9001:2015 regulation.
  • Influence the constant improvement of our educational intervention.
  • Influence the use of good management practices at all levels, valuing the planning, execution, verification, and evaluation of all the processes that are involved in the quality system, in the entity, and in the services themselves, according to the requirements of the clientele, the assessment of risks and opportunities, to obtain the greatest satisfaction of these and the continuous improvement of our services.

Plataforma Educativa

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