Gentis 9 CSR

Corporate Social Responsability

Social measures for the environment, human capital and the environment.

Corporate Social Responsibility (hereinafter CSR) is defined according to the %22Observatorio de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa%22 as a way of directing companies based on the management of the impacts that their activity generates on their clientele, working people, shareholders, communities premises, environment and society in general.

CSR is a set of actions and intentions that improve our care and management of all the projects and services we manage, taking into account the space where we carry it out, the people we serve, and society in general. It is based on 5 basic principles:


CSR implies mandatory compliance with current national legislation and especially with international standards in force (ILO, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations Standards on the Responsibility of Transnational Companies, and other commercial companies in the field of Human Rights…)

Global and transversal

CSR is of a global nature as it affects all areas and departments of the entity or company, as well as all the geographical areas where it carries out its activity, provision of services, or production.

Ethics and coherence

CSR entails objective ethical commitments that thus become an obligation for those who contract them. There must be consistency between the public commitments acquired with the strategies and decisions of the entities, as it is something more than a reputational action.

impact management

CSR manifests itself in the impacts generated by the activity in the social, environmental, and economic spheres. For its management, it is essential to identify, prevent and mitigate the possible adverse consequences that may occur.

Meeting expectations and needs

CSR is aimed at satisfying the expectations and needs of interest groups. Processes must be created that integrate their social, environmental, and ethical concerns into business operations and strategy so that it generates value for everyone, not only shareholders but also interest groups and society in general.

Strategic Plan 2019-2022

The Strategic Plan shared by the entire organization ensures that people’s rights and opportunities are guaranteed, taking into account their interests, needs, and desires.

It unfolds by ensuring 3 basic conditions: actions for the common good, public service, and being to let it be.

Individualized attention through community action

To acces the resources needed to be a public service

Ability to adapt and advocate to ensure compliance and improvement of social policies and the defense of the professional space.

Put innovation and technology at the services of continuos improvement

Zero waste 9R: rethink, redesign, refurbish, repair,redistribute,reduce, reuse,recycle, recuperate

Evolve towards a self goveranance and participative model that that ensures the integration of all the agents that interact with the organization.

Do you want to carry out a CSR project in your organization?

We offer advice and support in the design and implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility projects. We offer organizational collaboration to work towards a sustainable global economy.

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20N: Dia Internacional dels Drets de la Infància

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Des de l’EASPD hem participat en un taller formatiu per donar suport al desenvolupament d’una plataforma per la fomació online des d’angles inclusius anomenada ADILE i així contribuir al disseny d’un marc europeu comú en matèria de competències digitals per a les persones amb discapacitat, tanta a nivell de continguts digitals com l’espai virtual de formació. El projecte està liderat per l’EASPD, Predif, Controverto, Base3, I&F i SEDA.

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