Promoting Social Mentoring strategies in the field of sportTHE SPORTME PROJECT IN A NUTSHELL
The SPORTME PROJECT aims to share methodologies for the social inclusion of young people using mentoring in the field of sport.
The project will put in value sport and sporting activities to promote healthy habits, emotional management and the acquisition of “soft-skills” for the personal development of young people. This will be done through the contribution of mentors involved in the field of sport, which will promote the process of inclusion of young people at risk of exclusion.
Project objectives
- Generate social inclusion in sport through mentoring & volunteering processes.
- Develop healthy habits, competences & knowledge of emotional management in young people from 16 to 24 years old coming from disadvantaged environments through the practice of sport;
- Give support sport clubs & organizations in the design of inclusive & social cohesion processes.
- Establish social responsibility in sport environments by creating a network of partners that develop strategies to guarantee access to sport for all.
Project beneficiaries
The project brought together young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and sport and social organizations willing to implement inclusive initiatives through mentoring.
Sport helps young people:
• Reinforce many of emotional skills (self-esteem, spirit of improvement, to manage frustration).
• Strengthening other cross-cutting skills such as teamwork, organization, …
• Brings them closer to the community and promote networking
Clubs and sports organisations need:
• To better reach groups at risk of social exclusion, in order to respond to the problems of the society around them,
• Capacity building on developing inclusive processes within their sport activities.
Are you a sport or social organization interested in developing Mentoring project in the field of Sport? CHECK OUR MENTORING GUIDELINES IN THE FIELD OF SPORT!!
The guidelines provide a comprehensive and practical overview on the promotion of day to day inclusion by implementing mentoring processes that use sport as a baseline to improve wellbeing of young people at risk. The guidelines are available in diferent languages:
- Mentoring Guidelines in the field of Sport (EN)
- Guia de mentoria en el ámbito del deporte (ES)
- Guia de mentoratge en l’àmbit de l’esport (CAT)
- En portuguès (PT)
Check our VIDEO to learn about testimonies and practical experiences of young people and social and sport associations implementing Mentoring initiatives in the field of sport!
- Access to the vídeo.
Video SportMe Portugal
Video SportMe United Kingdom
Video SportMe Catalonia
Project partners
The project involves 5 project partners from 3 different EU countries (Spain, UK, Portugal) providing complementary expertise:
- 3 SOCIAL PARTNERS with experience in social inclusion, especially in the field of youngsters at risk & social mentoring
- 2 SPORT PARTNERS with social and international vision

The SPORTME project had a duration of 2 years (January 2020-December 2022).
The project was developed in 4 phases:
Phase 1. Preparatory phase
Preparatory phase aimed to extract & analyse the modus operandi, similarities & good practices that have been carried out in the different countries involved in the project (UK, Spain and Portugal) in the fields of mentoring, sport and inclusion. The project partners identified and exchanged useful methodologies and processes in the fields of mentoring and inclusion in the field of sport.
Phase 2. Development of guidelines
Development of guidelines based on the previous exchange phase 2 aimed to develop the Guidelines on social mentoring in the field of sports & how mentors & mentees can develop competencies using sport to promote inclusion. The Guidelines are now accessible in the web.
Phase 3. Training capsule
Training capsule, focused on developing a training capsule aimed to train persons in the field of sports to be mentors. A train the trainers training was held in Amposta (Spain) 30 November-2 December 2021.
Phase 4. Pilot testing
Project partners developed small Mentoring pilots within their organizations to test the contents addressed in the Mentoring guidelines and learnings from the training capsule and assess if the processes proposed are relevant for potential users.
Phase 5. Videos
During the last phase, project partners developed short videos to document the implementation of mentoring and inclusion experiences in the field of sports and the impact it was having on the youngsters, mentors, and social and sport actors with the final aim to raise awareness on international social inclusion experiences. The videos are now accessible in the web.
“The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”
More partners information
AE2O – Associação para a Educação de Segunda Oportunidade (Escola de Segunda Oportunidade de Matosinhos) – Portugal
AE2O is a non profit, non governmental organization, whose aim is to promote second chance education, working especially with vulnerable young people with low qualifications, unemployed and at risk of social exclusion. Its main activity is to run Escola de Segunda Oportunidade de Matosinhos, a pilot project that started in 2008, the only second chance school in the country, member of the European network of second chance schools (E2C-Europe).
Matosinhos Second Chance School targets 15 to 25 year olds who have left school without finishing their basic education due to social and emotional difficulties that impeded their continuing engagement in formal learning. For 10 years now, works in a very alternative way, offering young dropouts a new experience of training, following an holistic pedagogical approach.
The students develop their own Individual Training Plans, combining vocational, artistic, school and personal and social skills. The school offers a positive environment and an arts based curriculum which attracts the attendance and encourages the learning of these young people.
AE2O is actively working to establish in Portugal a national policy to reduce early leaving. At the same time, is encouraging all over the country local initiatives and dynamizing a national network of institutions and initiatives of second chance education, E2O Portugal.
AE2O is an accredited training provider, certified by national agency DGERT. For many years AE2O has been organizing and participating in many international projects (youth exchanges and events, seminars, training courses, networking activities) offering young people, staff and other adults opportunities for personal, professional and social development.
More info:
Phoenix Social Enterprise limited (Bristol, UK)
Phoenix Social Enterprise is a charity and company limited by guarantee. The organisation evolved from The Black Development Agency, established in 1991 as a Specialist Council of Voluntary Services to empower minority ethnic and other disadvantaged groups by building up their skills, ability and capacity.
This work met their need for mobilisation in society as these groups had no knowledge of available funding and lacked training. PSE continues to tackle social exclusion via projects and activities that are of particular benefit to disadvantaged groups and minority ethnic communities, with an emphasis on education, training and employment.
Current projects focus on education services, youth mobility and citizenship rights, as well as providing accessible courses and training for the community. They also serve as a community hub, providing a valuable space for activities, groups and local businesses.
More info:
Bristol City Robins Foundation (Bristol, UK)
Bristol City Robins Foundation is a registered sport and education charity whose focus is to engage and inspire young people, raising and celebrating education achievement.
The Foundation recognises the positive role it can play within the community, so in 2011 it created a unique sporting academic programme with the aim of tackling the education inequality that exists within the city.
Through its continual growth in strength and capacity, Bristol City Robins Foundation now has the appropriate sport structure to enable learners to develop life skills, maximise career choices and opportunities through carefully designed qualifications, support and activities, no matter what their academic or practical level.
Such a structure sees the Foundation attract and accept a diverse range of student from a variety of backgrounds onto its courses. Each course combines academic studies with a sporting experience where students can represent Bristol City FC in competitive fixtures.
Each course has elements based in the inspirational setting of Ashton Gate Stadium, where purpose-built learning facilities bolster the Foundation’s culture of valuing education. This assists in inspiring a positive attitude to drive: education, personal and social progress, without the fear of failure.
In addition to the purpose-built learning environment, the Foundation’s ability, passion and drive to deliver the highest level of education to individuals wanting to enhance their quality of life, assists in positive levels of success attained through personalised learning.
Furthermore, the Foundation has employed several sports lecturers to match growing demand, allowing students to study in a stimulating environment where the ratio of staff to students is no larger than 1:22.
The sports lecturers stay with the same group of pupils throughout the completion of their course, which reiterates their genuine care about personal delivery, allowing for a personalised academic experience, and creates a setting where no young person is left behind.
In addition to the compulsory course requirements, the Foundation provides students with a variety of extra-curricular activities, to further their academic progress and enhance desired life skills.
All of the above factors contribute to what is a fantastic and unique educational experience for prospective students looking to kick-start their career within the sports industry.
All of our educational programmes have limited spaces, and they always prove to be extremely popular. If you are interested in enrolling on to one of our educational courses, please contact us at the earliest opportunity to avoid disappointment.
More info:
Amposta City Council (Spain) managing the Sport Technification Centre of the Terres de l’Ebre Region
Amposta Sports Technification Centre in Terres de l’Ebre have an area of ??more than 60,000m2 with its sports facilities make up.
Offers the resources and services needed for high-performance training and has already become a reference center. for certain sports such as rowing or fencing at a national and international level, and where the practice of sport and academic training supported by research in the sciences applied to sport can be combined.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
For more information or questions about the project, you can use the contact form
Don’t hesitate to let in contacting us.